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The purpose of the Affiliate Ambassador Committee is to develop membership relationships with a focus on a beneficial business-to-business partnership and support strategy with an outcome that assists in promoting the REALTOR® brand within the regional community. The Affiliate Ambassador Committee is responsible for planning many of our major association events for the year, including the Annual Chili Cook-Off, the Aspire North Golf Outing, and the yearly Holiday Party.

Interested in joining the Affiliate Ambassador Committee? Contact Committee Chair Kristin Hunt or Staff Liaison Meghan McGuire

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Members of the committee must be REALTOR® OR Affiliate members. Their responsibilities are to develop and prepare the association’s annual operating budget, oversee the financial affairs of the association, evaluate budget requests, and make recommendations to the Board of Directors. The Budget and Finance Committee is responsible for developing and recommending the financial policies of the association to the Board of Directors.

Interested in joining the Budget & Finance Committee? Contact Committee Chair Joe Van Antwerp, Staff Liaison/CEO Alan Jeffries, or Staff Liaison Laura Lynn Turmel

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The purpose of the Education Committee is to collaborate with the director of education in the research and development of educational programming for the membership and to review curriculum and delivery strategies. The committee is also charged with helping to drive membership to association programs as well as educational and technological opportunities.

Interested in joining the Education Committee? Contact Committee Co-Chairs Stephanie Koppe or Amy Somers or Staff Liaison Jennifer Kowal

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Vision: Our community operates following the principle of ‘Sustainability First.’

Mission: From the perspective of the real estate industry, incorporate impactful sustainability measures into the community with unprecedented momentum.

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The Forms Committee is responsible for reviewing, developing, and updating standard real estate contract forms used by agents within our jurisdiction, ensuring they comply with local regulations and industry best practices.

Interested in joining the Forms Committee? Contact Committee Chair Meagan Luce or Staff Liaison Alan Jeffries

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This committee reviews complaints alleging NAR Code of Ethics violations and requests for arbitrations, forwarding cases to the Professional Standards Committee for hearings. The Grievance Committee is composed of at least five (5) REALTOR® members in good standing.  Members must be active REALTOR® members for a minimum of two years to be eligible to serve on the Grievance Committee. Appointed members must attend an Aspire North-approved Professional Standards Training program. The Grievance Committee will hold meetings in a manner to ensure timely review of ethics complaints and arbitration requests.

Interested in joining the Grievance Committee? Contact Committee Chair Holly Hack or Staff Liaison Jennifer Kowal

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The purpose of the Investment Committee is to monitor the investments of Aspire North REALTORS® and to formulate policy for the prudent investment of these funds.

Interested in joining the Investment Committee? Contact Committee Chair Ken Kleinrichert or Staff Liaison/CEO Alan Jeffries

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A standing committee according to the Aspire North Bylaws, the purpose of the Membership Committee is to review the applications for membership made to Aspire North by potential REALTOR® and Affiliate members after a preliminary screening by staff is completed. After the review the applications are forwarded to the Aspire North Board of Directors.

This committee shall also function as a vehicle for membership engagement, relations, outreach, and development programs.

Interested in joining the Membership Committee? Contact Committee Chair Ben Williams or Staff Liaison Jennifer Kowal

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The MLS committee’s purpose is to provide oversight, review policy, rules & regulations, and provide recommendations to the Board and the Aspire North representatives on the NGLRMLS Board on matters related to MLS operations. The MLS Committee is also responsible for proposing local MLS-related fees, subject to review and approval of the Board of Directors

Interested in joining the MLS Committee? Contact Committee Chair Jules YatesStaff Liaison/CEO Alan Jeffries, or Staff Liaison Lora Nesbitt

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The Professional Standards Committee is comprised of a group of REALTORS® members who have attended an Aspire North-approved professional standards training program. Members must be active REALTOR® members for a minimum of two years to be eligible to serve on the Professional Standards Committee. Appointed members must attend an Aspire North-approved professional standards training program. The committee conducts hearings on ethics complaints and requests for arbitration referred by the Grievance Committee and recommends appropriate disciplinary action to the Board of Directors.

Interested in joining the Professional Standards Committee? Contact Committee Chair Pam Mork or Staff Liaison Jennifer Kowal

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The purpose of the Public Policy Committee is to review and provide recommendations to the Aspire North REALTORS® Board of Directors on issues, legislation, and local candidate races. These efforts support the association’s ability to effectively advocate for private property rights and real estate industry issues. Annually, the Public Policy Committee establishes priority issues which are then recommended to the Aspire North REALTORS® Board of Directors for approval.

Interested in joining the Public Policy Committee? Contact Committee Chair Scott Hardy or Staff Liaison Connor Miller

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The Public Relations (PR) Committee is responsible for managing the association's public image by actively promoting the value of using a REALTOR® to the community, enhancing the association's reputation, and communicating key information about the real estate market and industry practices to the general public through various channels like media outreach, community engagement, and member advocacy initiatives.

Questions? Contact Staff Liaison Michael Kent

The REALTOR® Political Action Committee, otherwise known as the RPAC Committee, shall be responsible for the development and growth of Aspire North’s political action efforts at the local, state, and national levels in accordance with the Michigan REALTORS® and the National Association of REALTORS® political action programs.

Interested in joining the RPAC Committee? Contact Committee Co-Chairs Jessica Brutzman or Robin Vilter or Staff Liaison Connor Miller

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